Issue #103 - MathsLinks Newsletter - resources for maths teachers
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This GeoGebra book serves as a collection of digitally interactive Open Middle exercises.

An interactive simulation that uses two-step probabilities to make sense of a taxi crash at night. 

This interactive explanation shows you why polling results should be taken with a grain of salt. In a lot of cases decimals will prove to be meaningless and changes of less than 2 percentage points shouldn't be subject to much analysis.

A collection of questions from QLD Mathematical Methods exam papers.

An animation showing the relationships between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. 

There are countless different shapes that can be created using the seven Tangram tiles. What can you come up with? 

This is a story about pizza and geometry. Roy Chandan ordered a 9-inch pizza, and the waiter brought him two 5-inch pizzas instead. Chandan was getting an inch for free, the waiter said.

Scaffolded worksheets where students practice finding unknown sides and angles using SOHCAHTOA. Students are guided to label sides, choose a ratio, write their equation, solve the equation and give the answer. There are three separate sheets: one where the unknown side is the numerator, one where the unknown side is the denominator and one where the unknown is the angle. 

How much do you really know about your community in Australia? Learn more about where you live, the language you speak and how the country is changing based on the 2021 Census results.


An explanation of why airport runways use digits representing bearings as identifiers.

Deane presents Rob with an apparently simple puzzle concerning sharing cakes for lunch.

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