Hi, for subscribers on summer break I hope you are enjoying a well-earned rest. Here is the 2nd issue of the new MathsLinks Newsletter.
As always, your feedback is welcome.
Simon Job. * You may have previously subscribed to the MathsClass newsletter. This newsletter replaces that. ** the newsletter may be less regular in the summer holidays
Why isn’t every man in a red suit with a beard Father Christmas? Because correlation doesn’t imply Claus-ality. [source]
As a point of interest each lesson, I write the date as a number sentence using the digits in order. Read more on my blog and contribute to the Google Sheet.
Many Numberphile videos cover content beyond our syllabus. But, often there is a component that you could use in class. In this video, James Grime uses the Index Laws.
Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.