Luis David Garcia-Puente discusses sandpiles, and how they produce amazing "fractal zeroes". Longish video - takes a while to warm up, but gets interesting.
Can the questions you're asking in the mathematics classroom be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” or do they invite students to deepen their understanding?
A free printable with 100 questions to promote mathematical thinking and encourage classroom discourse.
There are many things parents can and should do to help their children learn mathematics, particularly before they begin school and during the primary school years. This article has a list of tips for parents that will help them to help their children succeed.
"The most basic of today’s new mathematical skills is number sense. The other important one is mathematical thinking. But whereas the latter is important only for those going into STEM careers, number sense is a crucial 21st Century life-skill for everyone."
In Issue #4 the link to the Extension 1 Edmodo Group was broken. The correct link is:
Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.