Issue #27 - MathsLinks Newsletter - resources for maths teachers
Three useful interactives, now BYOD ready. Marcus du Sautoy gives his take on Algebra. Dr Catherine Attard discusses the transition from primary to secondary schools. AMSI published key priorities for intervention to secure Australia's mathematical future.
Fraction charts are useful to show fractions and their equivalents. This resource does this using traditional horizontal fraction bars and the pie-chart-style ones.
As the end of the year looms, many students are preparing to transition from primary to secondary school... unfortunately ... many [primary] students begin to develop negative attitudes towards secondary schooling, and often, towards mathematics.
The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute have released a discussion of the key priorities for intervention in schools, universities and industry. "Out of field teaching is rife ... Year 12 enrolments are at an historic low and most of our universities have failed the schooling system by dropping maths prerequisites."
Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.