Issue #81 - MathsLinks Newsletter - resources for maths teachers
This issue, a number of resources found for Stage 6 (NSW) - the senior years in other jurisdictions.
Recently I have been added a number of interactives (GeoGebra) for teaching Vectors. Have you found a good tool for teaching Vectors? Share it here.

This applet will help you discover how we geometrically add any 2 vectors.

An interactive GeoGebra quiz for adding vectors geometrically.

The applet dynamically illustrates what it means to multiply a vector quantity by a scalar.

More Vectors on MathsLinks
Transforming graphs
An interactive to investigate transformation of quadratic, cubic, absolute value and square root functions.

An interactive applet for investigating the transformation of sine and cosine functions.

Similar to (I), this version includes labels.

A virtual simulation of capture recapture.

How much did it cost to run a car in 1971? An interesting source of numbers that could be compared with today's costs.

An explanation of sine, cosine and tangent using a circle.

All trigonometry functions and their reciprocals on a unit circle.

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Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.